From Band to Brand....
Apparently, as I've just read, most bloggers don't know anything about the subject they're blogging about. They're just, well, good at blogging or maybe good at blagging is closer to the truth? Whatever the truth of the matter, blogging is great, apparently...
So this is my first blog, bereft of any clue on how to actually write what will be deemed a 'good' blog, I'm left with the comfort that I'm going to blog about something I know a lot about, something I invented and something I'm very much in love with, the brand new Laceeze band, now what could that be?
It's make up is a little dull, do you want to read about curing, polymers, moulding? I'm guessing not! It's finished appearance however is one of pure beauty, it's stunning, it's vibrant, it's so trendy, it's downright sexy actually. That's how one views something you're in love with, right?
Are you part of the way along my path yet, I mean are you still there? Great, let me tell you more then.
Laceeze was born out of frustration and was a eureka moment in its truest sense, that said it was in fact someone else's ingenious use of a rubber band which led to the idea. On a cold wet Dorset evening never had I been so excited about rubber! This rubber band got wrapped around a football boot, its purpose to prevent the laces from coming undone, ugly looking elastic band it was too, but it did the job. I shouted out to the father of the boy who'd had this band placed around his boot and acknowledged that his son was indeed the only child whose laces hadn't come undone in 90 minutes of training. His boots did however look a bit unloved adorned in this ugly looking elastic band. Enter the bright light...
I got home, wet, frozen, got the tea on and pondered this ugly looking elastic band. How many times during training and match play does the game have to stop for laces to be tied by either the coach, referee or parent? Too many, let me tell you! It is, aside from poor refereeing decisions, THE most annoying thing in junior football or indeed rugby, hockey, netball, the list goes on. So could this elastic band become a thing of beauty and desire? Oh yes!
Now I'm mindful I've gone on a bit, are you still there? I'll spare you the boring bits (they're not actually boring in the grand scheme of things but I'm thinking as a reader who doesn't know me from Adam, they'll hardly light up your day) and project forward to the present day. From concept to design to prototype and now production, the Laceeze band is out there, it's taken 7 months to get to this stage.
Some key claims now, they are made in Great Britain, we donate to grassroots sports, an essential but totally underfunded pathway for our children. We are green, we are ethical and most of all we are proud!
Have a look at what led you to arrive to the end of my first blog, I think it will make you smile, a lot. I reckon it will make you think that you can't believe nobody else thought of the idea, but for that cold winter Wednesday, neither would I.